Celebratory Italian Vocabulary
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The Jewish festival of Passover lasts for seven or eight days sometime in March or April. The dates vary because this holiday is not based on the Gregorian calendar, aka solar calendar. Passover begins on the 15th of Nisan, the first month in the Hebrew calendar.
In 2024, Passover begins on 22 April; in 2025 it will begin on 12 April. Here’s some Italian vocabulary to help you celebrate this Jewish celebration of freedom.*
Passover | il Pèsach, la Pasqua ebraica | |
Easter | la Pasqua | |
spring | la primavera | |
exodus | esodo | |
freedom | libertà | |
Messiah | Messia | |
prayer | preghiera | |
prophet | profeta | |
rabbi | rabbino | |
slavery | schiavitù | |
story | storia | |
yarmulke | yarmulke | |
bitter herbs | erbe amara | |
brisket | punta di petto | |
carrot | carota | |
charoset | charoset (una massa dolce che simboleggia il mortaio) |
Gefilte fish | pesce gefilte | |
grape juice | succo d’uva | |
horseradish | rafano | |
kosher | kosher | |
lettuce | lattuga | |
matzoh ball | palla di matzoh | |
nuts | noci | |
orange | arancia | |
parsley | prezzemolo | |
potato | patata | |
prune | prugna secca | |
roast chicken | pollo arrosto | |
roasted egg | uovo arrosto | |
shankbone | stinco | |
spices | spezie | |
sweet potato | patata dolce | |
unleavened bread | pane azzimo | |
wine | vino | |
to bless | benedire | |
to eat | mangiare | |
to pray | pregare | |
to symbolize | simboleggiare | |
to tell (a story) | raccontare (una storia) |
* I am not Jewish, so I’ve collected this information from various resources. If there are any mistakes or major omissions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to fix them.
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Italian lesson plans
- Passover picture game (Lesson plan, K – 6th grade)
- Passover seder place cards (Lesson plan, 4th – 6th grade)
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