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Numeri ordinali
Ordinal numbers are essential for lists: they denote the rank, position, or order of items in a group, whether that group is made up of people, objects, or things to do.
Per esempio…
Aberto è al secondo posto e Lucio al quinto. | Aberto is in second place, and Lucio is in fifth. | |
La prima cosa da fare è scegliere un presidente. | The first thing we need to do is choose a chairperson. |
Italian ordinal numbers
masc | fem | abbreviations | ||||
first | primo | prima | 1st | 1° | 1ª | |
second | secondo | seconda | 2nd | 2° | 2ª | |
third | terzo | terza | 3rd | 3° | 3ª | |
fourth | quarto | quarta | 4th | 4° | 4ª | |
fifth | quinto | quinta | 5th | 5° | 5ª | |
sixth | sesto | sesta | 6th | 6° | 6ª | |
seventh | settimo | settima | 7th | 7° | 7ª | |
eighth | ottavo | ottava | 8th | 8° | 8ª | |
ninth | nono | nona | 9th | 9° | 9ª | |
tenth | decimo | decima | 10th | 10° | 10ª |
Starting with 11th, Italian ordinals are based on their corresponding cardinal number: drop the final vowel and add the suffix –esimo / –esima.
cardinal | drop vowel | add –esimo | -esima |
undici | undic- | undicesimo | undicesima |
ventidue | ventidu- | ventiduesimo | ventiduesima |
cento | cent- | centesimo | centesima |
Like regular Italian adjectives, masculine singular ordinal numbers end in –o and feminine singular end in –a.
In addition, all Italian ordinal numbers have masculine and feminine plural forms that end in –i and –e, respectively:
masc plural | fem plural |
primi | prime |
decimi | decime |
undicesimi | undicesime |
centesimi | centesime |
Most Italian ordinal numbers are identical to their corresponding fractions.
If you have trouble remembering the difference between ordinal and cardinal numbers, try this mnemonic:
- ordinals are for ordering
- cardinals are for counting cards
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Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.
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