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Giochi, sport, hobby
Even if you love working on your Italian, sometimes you just need to play! Learn the Italian equivalents of your favorite games, sports, and hobbies and the verbs to use with them.
You can use these words with verbs like piacersi and odiare, or if you want to say that you do or play that item, use it with the verb in the third column. The fourth column has verbs that can be used alone to talk about doing that item, e.g., cucinare which means "to cook."
English | Italian | Use with | Or use | |
basketball | il pallacanestro | giocare | ||
biking | il ciclismo | fare | andare in bicicletta | |
chess | gli scacchi | giocare | ||
cooking | la cucina | cucinare | ||
dancing | la danza | ballare | ||
fishing | la pesca | andare a | pescare | |
football | il calcio americano | giocare | ||
gardening | il giardinaggio | fare | ||
hiking | il escursionismo | fare | camminare | |
hunting | la caccia | andare a | cacciare | |
jogging | il jogging | fare | correre | |
a movie | un film | vedere | andare al cinema | |
music | la musica | ascoltare | suonare uno strumento | |
reading | la lettura | leggere | ||
sailing | la vela | andare | navigare | |
skiing | lo sci | sciare | ||
soccer | la caccia | giocare | ||
swimming | il bagno | fare | nuotare | |
television | la TV [tee voo] | guardare | ||
tennis | il tennis | giocare | ||
volleyball | il pallavolo | giocare | ||
wrestling | la lotta | fare | lottare |
The Italian verbs above are used to talk about playing or doing that activity, but of course you can also use verbs like piacersi (to like), volere (to want to), and odiare (to hate) with them.
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En français
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Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.
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