Alfabeto italiano
The Italian alphabet has 21 letters. You know them all from the English alphabet* but they are pronounced differently, so take a moment to learn the Italian alphabet.
You can listen to the entire Italian alphabet by clicking "Alphabet" in the graphic below, or click a single letter to hear only that letter pronounced.
* While the five "missing" letters are not part of the Italian alphabet, you might see them occasionally in foreign words used in Italian. So here’s how they’re pronounced, in case you ever need them:
J | K | W | X | Y |
As you can hear in the individual sound files, the letters J, V, W, and Y each have two different pronunciations.
Nota: Italian also has 2 accents.
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Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.
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