Yabla Italian Videos

Yabla - Italian videosWatch, practice, and learn Italian

Eager for a new way to work on your Italian listening comprehension? Take a look at Yabla Italian, a subscription site with a massive collection of original videos featuring native speakers to help you learn and practice Italian at any level.

Averaging 2 to 4 minutes each, these short videos are easy to fit into a busy schedule and cover a wide range of topics. The Yabla video player’s flexible options let learners at all levels choose how much or how little assistance they need. The "slow" button makes it possible to hear each individual word pronounced, and the captions and translations can be disabled if they’re not needed.

Each video also includes several games to test listening comprehension and vocabulary:

  • Multiple choice – listen and choose the missing word
  • Fill-in-the-blank – listen and type the missing word
  • Scribe dictation – listen and type everything
  • Vocabulary – match the word to its translation

For a huge variety of Italian videos on just about any topic you can think of, visit Yabla Italian or try one of these sample videos (you’ll need to create an account to access the free trial for the last 2):

CEFR Yabla Level Sample Video Topic
A1 Newbie L’alfabeto Lesson
A2 Beginner Come si fa conversazione Day to Day
B1 Intermediate Questione di Karma Movie
B2 Adv-Intermediate Lorenzo Jovanotti – Viva l’Italia unita! Music
C1 Advanced Olio Extra Vergine Pugliese Food

Italian lesson plans For Teachers

Create a school account to use Yabla with your Italian classes.

Group Discounts

Italian teachers and study groups, you can take advantage of substantial discounts by purchasing in bulk – see the group rate calculator.

Laura K Lawless
Virtual Italian Teacher at Lawless Languages | Website | + posts

Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.

Lawless Italian is an official Lawless Languages site.