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Verbi riflessivi
Reflexive verbs are the most common type of pronominal verb. Here, the reflexive pronoun indicates that the subject of the verb is performing the action on him/her/itself, rather than on someone or something else. The majority of reflexive verbs have to do with one’s body, clothing, relationships, or state of mind.
Per esempio…
Si guarda allo specchio. | She’s looking at herself in the mirror. | |
Mi alzo alle sette. | I get up at 7am. | |
Ti vesti troppo lentamente. | You’re dressing too slowly. |
Most common Italian reflexive verbs
accomodarsi | to sit down | |
addormentarsi | to fall asleep | |
alzarsi | to get up | |
annoiarsi | to get bored | |
arrabbiarsi | to get angry | |
chiamarsi | to be called | |
chiedersi | to wonder | |
divertirsi | to have fun | |
fermarsi | to stop | |
innamorarsi | to fall in love | |
lavarsi (le mani), la faccia) | to wash (one’s hands, face) | |
perdersi | to get lost | |
pettinarsi | to comb one’s hair | |
preoccuparsi | to worry | |
prepararsi | to get ready | |
radersi | to shave (oneself) | |
ricordarsi | to remember | |
rompersi (la gamba, il braccio) | to break (one’s leg, arm) | |
sbrigarsi | to hurry | |
sedersi | to sit down | |
sentirsi | to feel | |
spogliarsi | to get undressed | |
sposarsi | to get married | |
svegliarsi | to wake up | |
vestirsi | to get dressed |
Note that many of these verbs can also be reciprocal.
All of the above verbs require a reflexive pronoun when they indicate that the subject is doing something to itself. But they can also be used non-reflexively, indicating that the action of the verb is directed at someone or something else.
In confronto…
Mi sveglio alle sette. | vs | La sveglio alle sette. |
I wake up at 7am. |
I wake her up at 7am. |
Si rasa il mento. | vs | Rasa il mento di suo figlio. |
He’s shaving his (own) chin. | He’s shaving his son’s chin. |
When talking about parts of the body, the reflexive pronoun and a definite article indicate the owner of that part of the body, rather than the possessive adjective that is used in English.
Per esempio…
Mi lavo la faccia. | ||
I’m washing my face. |
Si pettina i capelli. | ||
He’s combing his hair. |
Reflexive verbs are just one type of pronominal verb – more details coming soon.
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Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.
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