Parts of Speech

Italian parts of speech
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Parts of speech are the building blocks of everything you say, write, hear, and read. Even if you hate the thought of learning any grammar terms, knowing the difference between these eight basic parts of speech is essential for improving your Italian ability.

Each part of speech is bolded in both languages, and you may notice that for some of them, more words are bolded in one language than in the other. Click the links for detailed lessons.

1) Aggettivo | Adjective

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

2) Avverbio | Adverb

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

3) Articolo | Article

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

4) Congiunzione | Conjunction

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

5) Sostantivo | Noun

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

6) Preposizione | Preposition

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

7) Pronome | Pronoun

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

8) Verbo | Verb

Io leggo la frase attentamente perché la grammatica è importante in italiano.
I am reading the sentence carefully because grammar is important in Italian.

Bonus: Interjection

Interestingly, grammarians don’t always agree on what constitutes a part of speech. Some don’t include articles (I do), and some include interjections (I don’t). Obviously we all know that interjections exist – some are exclamations that express an emotion such as shock, anger, or joy; others serve as greetings, fillers, or curses – but I personally have a hard time considering them an essential part of speech because they’re not linked grammatically to the other parts of speech.

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Laura K Lawless
Virtual Italian Teacher at Lawless Languages | Website | + posts

Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.

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