Type Accents

Typing Italian accents
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Writing in Italian

It’s just as important to include accents when writing in Italian as it is to spell words correctly. It drives me kind of crazy when people say, sorry, I can’t type accents on my computer / tablet / smartphone. Yes, you can type accents – yes! even on your old computer. No, you don’t have to buy a Italian keyboard, or install any software.

Virtually every system has at least one built-in method for typing accents – follow these links to find out what it is and how to activate it.

How to type Italian accents in / on

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Italian accents

Laura K Lawless
Virtual Italian Teacher at Lawless Languages | Website | + posts

Ciao! I’m Laura K Lawless, creator, writer, editor, and CLO (Chief Lawless Officer) of this free online Italian learning site.

Lawless Italian is an official Lawless Languages site.