Buon viaggio

Buon viaggio!
Buon viaggio!
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Traveling Italian Expression

Meaning Have a good trip!
Literally Good trip
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Pronunciation Italian sound files [bwon vyah zho]
IPA   [bwon ‘vja ʤo]

Usage notes: The expression buon viaggio can be used to say good-bye to someone leaving on a trip and to express your hopes that they have a good time.

Per esempio…

Buon viaggio, Nico! Ci vediamo tra due settimane!   Have a good trip, Nico! We’ll see you in two weeks!
Ciao Luca e Gianni, buon viaggio!   Bye Luca and Gianni, have a good trip!

Somewhat synonymous

  • buone feste – have a good vacation; happy holidays
  • buone vacanze – have a good vacation

Related expressions

Buon viaggio in cultural works

In 2015, Italian singer Cesare Cremonini released an upbeat song entitled Buon viaggio (Share the Love) using travel as a metaphor for letting go, living, and loving.

In 2017, author Beatrice Masini and illustrator Gianni De Conno published a children’s book entitled Il Buon Viaggio about the personal growth and enrichment that travel brings.

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Italian expression buon viaggio

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